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Why We Must Hear the Warning in Frederick Douglass' 'Sources of Danger to the Republic' Today

Op-Ed in Times Magazine


Author/Lead: Robert S. Levine

On Jan. 3, 1867, nearly two years after the end of the Civil War, Frederick Douglass stood before a full house of hundreds of African Americans at Philadelphia’s National Hall. He had been invited to speak in a Black lecture series organized by William Still, famous for his work on the Underground Railroad.

As recounted by the Philadelphia Daily Evening Telegraph, the celebrated African American singer Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield performed several arias before Douglass’s introduction. Douglass then took the stage to speak on the “Sources of Danger to the Republic.” The Telegraph reported that he “was frequently interrupted by applause, and evidently made the best effort of his life.”

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“Anat Zanger’s Jerusalem in Israeli Cinema: Wanderers, Nomads, and the Walking Dead"

Book Review in Israel Studies Review


Author/Lead: Shalom Rosenberg

“Anat Zanger’s Jerusalem in Israeli Cinema: Wanderers, Nomads, and the Walking Dead,” Israel Studies Review, Volume 36, Issue 2, Autumn 2021.

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"Spenser and Race"

Ed. Dennis Austin Britton and Kimberly Anne Coles, Special Issue of Spenser Studies 35 (2021).



“Logos prophorikos in Middle Byzantine Thought.”

Studia Patristica. Journal of the Oxford International Conference on Patristic Studies. Vol. 103 (2021).


Author/Lead: Vessela Valiavitcharska

Argues that Byzantine accounts of the power and responsibility of language of the ninth- to eleventh-century attributed tremendous gravity to the role of the spoken word (logos prophorikos), regarding it as an active participant in the object of speaking.

"Spenser and Race"

Ed. Dennis Austin Britton and Kimberly Anne Coles, Special Issue of Spenser Studies 35 (2021).


Author/Lead: Kimberly Coles

Over the past 30 years, early modern studies has been increasingly interested in the emergence of race as a category of identity, one that could variously demarcate groups of people along lines of lineage, nationality, religion, and skin color. Indeed, the varied usages of the term race in early modern texts makes it rich site for examining the complexity and intersections of early modern embodiment, identity formation, representational practices, and power relations. Scholars have uncovered how early moderns understood the causes of bodily difference—skin color and the multiple valences of complexion, for example—between different groups of people. Studies have examined the extent to which early modern English people understood themselves as distinctive and different from the Spanish, the Irish, Africans, Asians, and others. Attention to the rhetorical strategies used to describe non-European peoples and the uncovering of the material practices of staging non-Europeans in drama, for example, have exposed the role of race in the early capitalist enterprises of international trade and the rise of the commercial theatre. Somatic difference, belief, and lineage are now understood by scholars as establishing moral and religious hierarchies that provided a foundation for justifications of colonial enterprises and the slave trade.

This special issue of Spenser Studies turns its attention to the dark side of Spenser’s imagination. Race is a strategy. It essentializes people as objects or instruments of power relations, and naturalizes political, economic, social, and sexual arrangements. Authors examine racialization in Spenser’s works from various methodological and critical vantage points.

Read “Spenser and Race."

Frederick Douglass and the Trouble with Critical Race Theory

What would Frederick Douglass think of Critical Race Theory? Robert S. Levine considers in this Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB) essay.


Author/Lead: Robert S. Levine

ONCE A SPECIALIZED SCHOOL of thought developed in law schools, critical race theory (CRT) has become a favorite wedge issue for the Republican Party. During the final months of his presidency, Trump warned that CRT was infiltrating American schools and ordered a halt to what he claimed was CRT-inspired diversity training in federal agencies. Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, regularly refers to CRT as a Marxist plot to undermine the nation, and Christopher Rufo, director of the Center on Wealth and Poverty at the conservative Discovery Institute, terms it “a grave threat to the American way of life.”

Read Frederick Douglass and the Trouble with Critical Race Theory

The Failed Promise: Reconstruction, Frederick Douglass, and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

The absorbing narrative of Frederick Douglass’s heated struggle with President Andrew Johnson reveals a new perspective on Reconstruction’s demise.

English, Douglass Center

Author/Lead: Robert S. Levine
A Failed Promise Robert Levine cover

When Andrew Johnson rose to the presidency after Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, African Americans were optimistic that Johnson would pursue aggressive federal policies for Black equality. Just a year earlier, Johnson had cast himself as a “Moses” for the Black community. Frederick Douglass, the country’s most influential Black leader, increasingly doubted the president was sincere in supporting Black citizenship. In a dramatic meeting between Johnson and a Black delegation at the White House, the president and Douglass came to verbal blows over the fate of Reconstruction. Their animosity only grew as Johnson sought to undermine Reconstruction and conciliate leaders of the former Confederate states.

Learn more about The Failed Promise.

“Extant / Ephemeral”

An essay on musical loss and survival with a focus on Shakespeare’s Cymbeline.


Author/Lead: Scott Trudell
Shakespeare / Text, ed. Claire M. L. Bourne (London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2021), 343–59, ISBN 9781350128156.

Spec Acts: Reading form in Recurrent Neural Networks

Johns Hopkins University Press Volume 88, Number 2, Summer 2021


Author/Lead: Matthew Kirschenbaum

On 25 March 2017 at 9:17 in the morning Ross Goodwin sat down behind the wheel of his pen to begin driving his novel. This essay reads 1 the Road, a 20,000-word token of narrative fiction produced by digital sensors affixed to an automobile driven from New York to New Orleans (the route taken by Jack Kerouac), whose outputs are filtered through an artificial intelligence technology called a neural net to produce the text. "It was nine-seventeen in the morning, and the house was heavy," it begins. Later, it produces this utterance: "It was a strange thing." This strange thing, which is to say this strange text, is, I argue, a boutique literary exemplar of the most widely read (and written) category of texts in the world today, as algorithms perform not speech acts but speculative or "spec" acts--what Felix Guattari forecast three decades ago as "machines speaking to machines." What happens when we listen in, as Goodwin's novel permits us to do? I propose ways of reading these spec acts through new formalist alternatives to historicism, old and new.

Read "Spec Acts: Reading form in Recurrent Neural Networks"

“The Hopkins-Hamedoe Identity"

American Periodicals 31.1 (2021): 54-67.


Author/Lead: Edlie Wong
Non-ARHU Contributor(s):

Samantha Gilmore, Matt Cohen


ABSTRACT: The   mass   digitization   of   nineteenth-century   periodicals   and keyword-based  searching  algorithms  have  produced  new  ways  of  read-ing  Pauline  E.  Hopkins  in  the  twenty-first  century.  Our  essay  brings  an  experiment  in  digital  stylistics  together  with  traditional  methods  of  authorial analysis to investigate an unexplored facet of Hopkins’s authorship and com-positional  style.  Hopkins  is  well-known  for  her  penchant  for  pseudonyms.  She  contributed  many  unsigned  editorials  to  the  Colored  American  Magazine,  and  it  was  not  unusual  for  issues  to  feature  her  work  alongside  articles  and  fiction  that  she  penned  as  Sarah  A.  Allen  and  J.  Shirley  Shadrach.  Might  Hopkins  have  also  published  under  other,  as  yet  unattributed  pen  names?  This  essay  takes  as  its  case  study  a  writer  identified  as  S.  E.  F.  C.  C.  Hame-doe  or  Hammedoe,  a  purported  Professor  of  “F.G.S.I.,”  who  remains  one  of  the  most  enigmatic  of  regular  Colored  American  Magazine  contributors.

Read “The Hopkins-Hamedoe Identity"