Spring 2014
Now in its fourth year, The Paper Shell Review continues to provide undergraduates the opportunity to develop scholarly and professional skills associated with the critical and historical study and analysis of English literature. Indeed, since the essays are written, selected, edited, and published by undergraduates, this volume adeptly displays the skill with which these emergent scholars practice and promote research in the humanities.
The exponential growth in submissions since 2013 reveals the importance of this journal to undergraduates and their mentors. To assemble this volume, editors drew upon work sent from public and private universities and colleges large and small around the US and Canada.
Taken together, these five essays provide a lens into many facets of literary history, since they range from Beowulf to Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice to seventeenth-century pastoral poetry, on to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century black women writers addressing both British and American audiences, and then to the twentieth century and William Faulkner’s Light in August. They share an effort to place these literary texts in context with the authors’ times, refracted against our twenty-first century concerns with race, gender, and economic conditions.
These young scholars juggle the evidence available from the literature, from other scholarly readings, and from the historical record, and render arguments of their own about how readers today understand these literary works that continue to inspire us. Indeed, this volume operates almost as an audio clip of awakening, increasingly authoritative, critical voices. Its goal is to kindle within you, the reader, your own contributions to these conversations.
Karen Nelson
Associate Director, Center for Literary Comparative Studies
Department of English, University of Maryland
Journal Information
Megan Cooley-Klein
Managing Editors
Shane Goodhue
Managing Editors
Monica Parks
Layout Editor
Laura Pavlo
Graduate Student Reader
Amy Merritt
Reading Group Leaders
- Michael Lawrence
- Emily Tuttle
Editorial Board
- Greta Boller
- Nicole Choi
- Brady Fauth
- Shannon Goff
- Anna Johnson*
- Luke Johnston*
- Allison Hartley*
- Theresa Park
- Maya Pottiger
- Michelle Rosinski
- Chaviva Ruffer*
- Madeline Wilson*
Editorial board members with an asterisk (*) provided additional editorial support.
My deepest thanks to…
William Cohen, for encouraging English undergraduate communities like this one,
Thomas Moser and Karen Lewis, for their reliable support and encouragement,
Amy Merritt, for her invaluable advice and assistance,
Lauren Friedman, for her cheerful assistance with the website,
John Prince & co., for having once again brought our journal to print,
Karen Nelson, for writing our lovely introduction,
The Center for Literary and Comparative Studies and the Student Government Association, for providing our funding, without which the journal could not be printed,
The English Undergraduate Association, for friendly collaboration,
The editorial board members, for dedicating their valuable time to reading and analysis,
Monica Parks and Shane Goodhue, for their reliability and ideas,
Emily Tuttle and Michael Lawrence, for their eagerness to lead,
Laura Pavlo, for her responsiveness and expertise,
Sohayl Vafai, for founding this wonderful journal,
Jamie Lee, whose success as last year’s editor-in-chief propelled me forward,
and, finally, to The Paper Shell Review’s editorial leaders of tomorrow.
Most sincerely,
Megan Cooley-Klein
Editor-in-Chief, 2013-14
Spring 2014 Essays
General Essays
Articles copyright © 2025 the original authors. No part of the contents of this Web journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission from the author or the Academic Writing Program of the University of Maryland. The views expressed in these essays do not represent the views of the Academic Writing Program or the University of Maryland.