Browse student and faculty journals published by the University of Maryland's Department of English.
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Paper Shell Review
Founded in 2010, Paper Shell Review is the University of Maryland's annual journal of critical essays on literary topics. Each edition of Paper Shell Review consists of five essays by undergraduate students, selected from a pool of submissions from colleges and universities all around the world. The journal is published by and for undergraduate students at the University of Maryland.
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Interpolations Journal
Interpolations is a journal of academic writing from the University of Maryland. Annually, the journal publishes essays that highlight exemplary rhetorical work our students produce when taking English 101: “Academic Writing.” In each issue, writers read and analyze, inquire and argue, bringing academic insights to bear on exigent civic issues.
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Restoration Journal
Restoration Journal publishes work in the field of English letters, arts, culture and society from 1660-1700. The journal is open to all critical, scholarly and theoretical approaches that lead to new insights into English literature and culture.
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Course Highlight
Fall 2020: Narrating Madness
A journal by the students of Maud Casey's English 378K: Narrating Madness course in Spring 2020.
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