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Research & Innovation

Research in the arts and humanities represents a range of disciplines and distinctive modes of knowledge and methods that result in articles and books, ideas, exhibitions, performances, artifacts and more. This deliberate and dedicated work generates deep insights into the multi-faceted people and cultures of the world, past and present.
Whether individual or collaborative, funded or unfunded, our faculty are leading national networks and conferences, providing research frameworks, engaging students, traversing international archives and making significant contributions to UMD's research enterprise.

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"I Am A Real Jew": Frederick Carnes Gilbert and the Quest for Authentic Jewishness

American Jewish History


Author/Lead: Benjamin Baker
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press

Volume 105, Number 4, October 2021, pp. 505-534.

Read the article here.

"'Among the Mountains and Valleys of Vermont': The Life of Eri L. Barr, Religious Pioneer"

Vermont History


Author/Lead: Benjamin Baker

Vol. 90, no. 1, Winter/Spring 2022, pp. 22-54.

Read the article here.

"Hard to Reach or Just Not Enough? A Narrative Review of Inpatient Tobacco Cessation Programs in Pediatrics"

Co-written with Mandeep Jassal


Author/Lead: Aysha Jawed

A review paper on inpatient tobacco cessation interventions in pediatrics. It was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Read "Hard to Reach or Just Not Enough? A Narrative Review of Inpatient Tobacco Cessation Programs in Pediatrics."

Brokering Community-Engaged Writing Pedagogies: Instructors Imagining and Negotiating Race, Space, and Literacy

The authors argue that instructors, particularly in predominantly white institutions, must carefully consider race, space, place, and their own positionalities when planning and implementing community-engaged pedagogies.


Author/Lead: Sara Wilder

Published in Literacy in Composition Studies.

Co-authored with  Michael Blancato (Roosevelt University), Gavin P. Johnson (Christian Brothers University), and Beverly J. Moss (The Ohio State University).

Abstract: Although much scholarship on community-engaged pedagogies attends to student negotiations of difference, little attention has been paid to how instructors navigate difference, particularly racial difference, across classroom and community spaces. In this article, we use the concept of brokering to examine how seven different instructors of a community-engaged writing course titled “The Literacy Narratives of Black Columbus” imagined the racialized spaces of the course and facilitated engagement between students and community members in those spaces. Drawing primarily on instructor interviews, we present three approaches instructors took to imagine and facilitate student and community engagement across racialized and spatialized boundaries. We found that instructor positionality influenced how they imagined and negotiated the roles of brokers who could facilitate connections between students and community members as well as provide students with cultural knowledge necessary for navigating the course’s racialized spaces. Ultimately, we argue that instructors, particularly in predominantly white institutions, must carefully consider race, space, place, and their own positionalities when planning and implementing community-engaged pedagogies.

"Palm Chess"

Published in Strange Horizons Magazine


Author/Lead: Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes

Techno-Magism: Media, Mediation, and the Cut of Romanticism

Techno-Magism explores how British Romantic literature abuts and is organized around both print and non-print media.


Author/Lead: Orrin Wang

The book explores not only the print, pictorial art, and theater of early nineteenth-century England and Europe but also communicative technologies invented after the British Romantic period, such as photography, film, video, and digital screens. This proleptic abutting points to one way we can understand the implicit exceptionality wagered by reading Romanticism through media studies and media theory.

Techno-Magism argues that both media studies and the concept of mediation in general can benefit from a more robust confrontation with, or recovery of, the arguments of deconstruction, an unavoidable consequence of thinking about the relationship between Romanticism and media. The book thinks that relationship through the catachrestic practice of a techno-magism, a technics of inscription always outside the causalities of a dialectical economy. The book further pursues two interrelated ideas: the structural incommensurability of the cut and the unapologetic presentism of the constellation. Marked by its late capitalist moment of composition, the book explores the continuity between the social character of Romantic and post-Romantic media, in terms of commodity culture, revolution, and the ecological devastation of the anthropocene.

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"Techno-Magism" delves into the intersection of British Romantic literature and evolving media forms, from early print and theater to modern technologies like photography and digital screens.

College of Arts and Humanities, English

Author/Lead: Orrin Wang
Publisher: Fordham University Press

Cover of "Techno-Magism" by Orrin Wang.

Shortlisted, Marilyn Gaull Book Award.

Techno-Magism explores how British Romantic literature abuts and is organized around both print and non-print media. The book explores not only the print, pictorial art, and theater of early nineteenth-century England and Europe but also communicative technologies invented after the British Romantic period, such as photography, film, video, and digital screens. This proleptic abutting points to one way we can understand the implicit exceptionality wagered by reading Romanticism through media studies and media theory.

Techno-Magism argues that both media studies and the concept of mediation in general can benefit from a more robust confrontation with, or recovery of, the arguments of deconstruction, an unavoidable consequence of thinking about the relationship between Romanticism and media. The book thinks that relationship through the catachrestic practice of a techno-magism, a technics of inscription always outside the causalities of a dialectical economy. The book further pursues two interrelated ideas: the structural incommensurability of the cut and the unapologetic presentism of the constellation. Marked by its late capitalist moment of composition, the book explores the continuity between the social character of Romantic and post-Romantic media, in terms of commodity culture, revolution, and the ecological devastation of the anthropocene.

Read More about Techno-Magism

"Anticipating Blackness; Nina Simone, Lorraine Hansberry, and the Time of Black Ontology."

This essay examines the significance of time to the production of black ontology and thus to the field of black studies.


Author/Lead: Julius Fleming

It takes as its point of departure the field-changing call to think more critically about the enduring legacies of chattel slavery, particularly how this imperative has cultivated an anticipatory logic that helps to forecast the conditions of blackness and to analyze the nature of black ontology. It argues that alongside the large-scale, transhistorical modes of structural analysis that characterize this approach, attention to the more local, everyday experiences of black people—particularly their feelings—is critical to understanding the ontological conditions of blackness. Examining plays and performances by black artists and civil rights activists Lorraine Hansberry and Nina Simone, it proposes that, while fleeting and ephemeral, these feelings not only inflect black existence but also are rife with epistemic value that is as crucial to understanding black ontology as the social, political, economic, and discursive structures that underwrite the modern racial order. Critically analyzing the shifting interrelation of time, feeling, and black ontology renders the act of proclaiming who is dead or alive, free or not, a more complex and reflexive enterprise. It shows that no singular structure or network of structural relations can fully anticipate or explain away black ontology. This calculation is always and everywhere a question of time.

Read More about "Anticipating Blackness; Nina Simone, Lorraine Hansberry, and the Time of Black Ontology."

Form Fitted: Postcolonial Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics



Author/Lead: Sangeeta Ray

Form Fitted: Postcolonial Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics.


South Asian "Refugee" Fiction and Film: The Poetics and Aesthetics of Suffering

In progress.


Author/Lead: Sangeeta Ray

South Asian "Refugee" Fiction and Film:  The Poetics and Aesthetics of Suffering.

In progress.