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Research & Innovation

Research in the arts and humanities represents a range of disciplines and distinctive modes of knowledge and methods that result in articles and books, ideas, exhibitions, performances, artifacts and more. This deliberate and dedicated work generates deep insights into the multi-faceted people and cultures of the world, past and present.
Whether individual or collaborative, funded or unfunded, our faculty are leading national networks and conferences, providing research frameworks, engaging students, traversing international archives and making significant contributions to UMD's research enterprise.

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Malcolm Lowry: A Preface to His Fiction

This study of Lowry's fiction.


Author/Lead: Richard Cross
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
The book attempts to show a continuity in his work and that Under the Volcano cannot be seen as an unrelated success.

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Performance in Postmodern Culture

Includes essays by Cheryl Bernstein.


Author/Lead: Charles Caramello
Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press

This interdisciplinary collection of original essays by many hands traces the development of postmodern performance. Its many topics include the differences between ritual and theater, psychoanalytic theory of film and music, and performative writing. It was the inaugural volume in the series, “Theories of Contemporary Culture,” subsequently published for over thirty years.

Flaubert and Joyce: The Rite of Fiction

Richard Cross assesses the French writer's impact on his Irish counterpart through a comparison of tone, theme, and technique in their major writings.


Author/Lead: Richard Cross
Juxtaposing passages from their novels, he reveals through textual analysis certain structural and thematic patterns.

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In the Outer Dark: Poems

Stanley Plumly was an American poet and the director of University of Maryland, College Park's creative writing program.


Author/Lead: Stanley Plumly
Publisher: Louisiana State University Press
His father was a lumberjack and welder who died at age 56 of a heart attack linked to his alcoholism. Plumly’s parents, and his working-class upbringing, figure frequently in his work, especially his early books. Plumly earned a BA at Wilmington College, a Quaker school in Ohio, and a PhD at Ohio University.

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Molly Blaze left the marriage with the only thing she brought into it—her 1987 Buick Regal Limited T–Type Turbo.


Author/Lead: Ross Angelella
Publisher: Close To The Bone

Funeral black. Chrome bumpers and trim. Blood red velour pillow seats and paneling. The first thing she bought herself after college. An investment in her future. And Ritch stole it.


"The Room of Ransom Black."

He stood in his hotel room, counting coins on the dresser next to his typewriter.


Author/Lead: Ross Angelella
Publisher: MicroLit Almanac

The sun slept under morning clouds, giving off a bluish light through the dark buildings of the city.


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"The Hammer and the Flame."

My father complained of having flame-shaped hands.


Author/Lead: Ross Angelella
Publisher: Kelp Journal

He hated that he didn't have hands like his father, my grandfather, which were, according to my father, hammer hands. But, unfortunately, he, my father, had flame-shaped hands and would often wear gloves to hide them away. 


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"Does She."

Is she good?


Author/Lead: Ross Angelella
Publisher: Southampton Review

And I don’t mean versus bad, but is she better?


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"Horse and His Fishermen."

Horse and his fishermen lean arms into the worn wood of the bar, sucking juice from boysenberries.


Author/Lead: Ross Angelella
Publisher: Textshop Experiments

Horse and his fishermen sip water and smoke cigarettes, faces salt stained and cracked raw. Their fishy eyes fall on girls.

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“Whispering Sexuality: Queerness and the Limits of Black Satire” in Greater Atlanta: African American Satire since Obama

Forthcoming Fall 2023


Author/Lead: GerShun Avilez

“Whispering Sexuality: Queerness and the Limits of Black Satire” in Greater Atlanta: African American Satire since Obama. Ed. Derek Maus and Kim Donahue (U of Mississippi P, forthcoming Fall 2023)