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Both Directions at Once: Free Jazz’s Dual Ventures into Musical Experimentation and Political Involvement

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On August 23rd, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech widely regarded as one of the most powerful in American history. Over a quarter million people listened eagerly to King’s urgent words of hope and desire, entranced by his dream of liberation and fellowship. Without gospel singer Mahalia Jackson’s urging call to “Tell ‘em about the dream, Martin,” King may not have improvised the memorable second half of his address, including the famous phrase “I have a dream” for which the speech is known today (Crockett).

Doctors: The Opioid Epidemic’s Biggest Contributor

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In this paper, I address adolescent to adult American citizens because most of the opioid statistics were based on numbers from within the United States. Also, the United States has the largest struggle with opioids out of other prominent countries. This audience is crucial to the issue because they are the ones seeing and feeling the effects of the opioid epidemic. With the mass media coverage and strong opinions on the crisis, it becomes difficult for the public to distinguish the foundations and solutions of the epidemic.

Spring 2020

Journal Information

Spring 2020 Essays

General Essays

“Workplace Health Promotion Programs”

Vietato Vietare (It is Forbidden to Forbid)

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Every year, my best friends go on strike. As a student in a country where walkouts are only now becoming more frequent (and no less controversial), I can’t really fathom that strikes are expected in Italian schools at least once a year. When I ask my friends why, their responses are varied. Elena tells me there doesn’t have to be a reason, Marta insists that striking reminds the administration that students are watching, and it gives young people a way to participate in their education. Even asking my family members and other adults yields the same range of responses.

Hack Backs, Hatchbacks, and Cyberattacks: Effectively Legislating Cybercrime

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My hometown of Fanwood, NJ is a microscopic blip on the map of a state better known for its proximity to New York than for any of its own offerings. Only a square mile in diameter, my tiny little suburb might be the most uninteresting, uneventful town in existence. That’s what I’d believed, anyways, until 2017, when a little-known resident of Fanwood named Paras Jha pleaded guilty to developing the infamous Mirai computer virus. His creation made its debut on October 26, 2016, when it was used to take down Internet service across the entire East Coast (Graff).

A Shift of Focus on the Term “Stay-at-Home Mothers”

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The term “stay-at-home mother” has become widely known in society over the past few decades but it is only recently that the phrase has acquired almost exclusively negative connotations. The reason for that stigma is the same reason proponents have fought for that right: the choice of the mother or, more specifically, how that choice is regarded by others.

Fall 2019

Journal Information

Fall 2019 Essays

Digital Forum

Inquiry Essay

Position Paper

Rhetorical Analysis Essays

Protection Against Ideas: Campus “Safety” in the 21st Century

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The audience of this paper are college students and administrations throughout the United States. This paper was sent directly to the office of Lee C. Bollinger, the President of Columbia University, because of the particular relevance the topics discussed have to the current, politically correct climate of the university. The paper discusses matters that pertain to college students on a general level and delves into specific actions taken and statements made by universities or their administrators.

Waste is Every Man’s Problem: The Role of Marketing in the Food Waste Issue

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The target audience for this paper are food retailers, suppliers, and businesses because they are utilizing different marketing strategies and practices that contribute to food waste. The United States is leading in food waste globally, and many of its citizens are unaware of the extent of this problem, most importantly business owners and companies. It is critical for them to become aware of the food waste issue not only because of its negative impact on the economy but on the environment in which we live.