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Works for Me: "Gaydar" is More Than a Myth

Using Their Heads

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When Jason Witten of the Dallas Cowboys was seen screaming at his doctors during a football game this season, it marked a crucial moment in the NFL’s conflict with concussions. Witten was upset that his doctors would not allow him back onto the field after he seemed woozy from a big hit by a defender. This event showed the changing mentality of the league towards serious head injuries. Demaurice Smith, the Executive Director of the NFLPA (National Football League Players Association), stated that his number one priority is the safety of NFL players (Smith’s testimony).

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Recycling in the United States: Is Recycling Worth It?

Affirmative Action: Equal Opportunities or Not?

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My highly anticipated senior year of high school had begun, which meant the confusing, dreaded college application process had begun along with it. I had already researched many potential universities and colleges and finally decided to which schools I was going to apply. However, I was just beginning to thoroughly read the actual applications. I came to realize that each of the different schools asked its prospective students unique essay questions.

Pre-Employment Screening Through Facebook: A Way to Find Reliable Employees or a Misuse of the Internet?

Why Should We Care About Education in Prison?

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Under a darkened sky, raindrops drew trails across my skin and onto the concrete pavement as I walked towards the entrance of a large building resembling a school. The words Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) were emblazoned across the face of the building. As part of my honors seminar assignment, my class visited this facility to physically see what we were learning about in class. I was quite surprised about the tour; this facility looked nothing like what I had expected --- dull, gray cells and dirty walls and floors. Inside, I walked along wide, clean hallways.

"Gaydar" is More Than a Myth

Spring 2011

Journal Information

Spring 2011 Essays

Considering Another Side Essays

Experience and Other Evidence Essays

Experience as Evidence Essays

Inquiry Essay

Position Paper

Addressing Autism

The Battle Over Manned Spaceflight

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Rhetorical Situation

Beginning with John F. Kennedy’s historic goal of sending a man to the Moon, the United States began a rigorous space program in the formation of NASA. On July 20, 1969, the world watched anxiously as astronaut Neil Armstrong took the first human step on the Moon, fulfilling Kennedy’s fated words. Ever since, both the field of space exploration and humans’ understanding of the universe have expanded greatly.