Justin Lohr
Since 2010, I have been a lecturer at the University of Maryland, College Park, where I teach Academic Writing, Advanced Composition, Writing for the Health Professions, Business Writing, the Undergraduate Teaching Assistants in English seminar, and the service-learning course Writing for Change. In addition, I served for two years as an Assistant Director for the Academic Writing Program and as editor-in-chief of Interpolations: A Journal of Academic Writing. I have a background in ESL and gifted education, having taught middle and high school English at Colegio Sagrados Corazones in Torrelavega, Spain and courses in creative writing, creative nonfiction, and literary heroism and villainy at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.
The courses I teach focus on social justice and problems in the local community, with a particular emphasis on issues related to language and literacy, public education, media culture, and public health. Genre and multimodality also play an important role in my course design; students compose in both written and digital mediums and study the distinctions between composing in different genres and mediums.
My research has appeared in Reflections and Community Literacy Journal and focuses on service learning pedagogy, strategies for community activism, and the reflective writing practices of first-year writers.
Awards & Grants
Provost's Teaching Excellence Award for PTK Faculty
The Provost's Excellence Awards for Professional Track Faculty were established in Fall 2015 to recognize the contributions of professional track faculty on campus.
Author/Lead: Justin LohrAward Organization: University of Maryland
Thinking about Feeling: The Roles of Emotion in Reflective Writing
By Elizabeth Ellis Miller, Cameron Mozafari, Justin Lohr, Jessica Enoch
Author/Lead: Justin Lohr, Jessica EnochAbstract:
Drawing from a qualitative study, we share findings that demonstrate how students articulate and express emotion in reflection. As they reflect on their writing identities, processes and products, peer and instructor feedback, and assess their work, the students in our study routinely discuss their emotions. Our essay closes with pedagogical strategies for helping students reflect on their thinking and feeling about writing.
Read More about Thinking about Feeling: The Roles of Emotion in Reflective Writing