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Interpolations Submission Form

We encourage you to submit any essays or major assignments that you wrote during one of this school year’s English 101 courses at the University of Maryland for possible publication in Interpolations, the Academic Writing Program’s online journal of outstanding student work. We invite submissions of excellent quality from any of your English 101 assignments.

You do not need your teacher’s permission to submit an essay; in contrast, instructors who wish to submit students’ essays must receive permission from those students to do so.

Submissions are reviewed by the journal’s editorial board. Our primary criterion for selection is the presence of an ambitious thesis or overall research question as well as compelling ideas and/or supporting arguments that are developed in a coherent, well-researched or well-defended manner. If your work is selected for potential publication in the journal, you will be contacted via email and you will be asked to complete a multi-step editorial process. After receiving final editorial approval, selected submissions will be included in the journal’s online publication.

​Submissions should be sent to in .doc or .docx files ONLY  –  UNLESS the submission is digital (video, website, etc.).​ If you are submitting a public remediation, please include your position paper (so we can see what you remediated) and your reflection (so that we have your thoughts on the choices you made on genre, purpose, and audience). Please include your name, your University of Maryland I.D. number, the course and section number of the English 101 course you have taken or are taking, and the name of your instructor in your correspondence.

Submission Agreement

By submitting your work to for consideration in a future edition of Interpolations, you grant permission to the Academic Writing Program and the University of Maryland to include your submissions in its online journal, and for the Program to use final versions or drafts of said submissions for instructional purposes in teaching English 101 students. You will receive no monetary compensation for your participation.