Updates from Martha Nell Smith
May 24, 2019
Wild Nights With Emily, a feature film starring Molly Shannon as Emily Dickinson, will be based on Martha Nell Smith’s scholarship.
It pemiered in New York City at Landmark 57 West on April 11th, and is now playing in more than 50 cities nationwide. Besides publishing Everywoman Her Own Theology: On the Poetry of Alicia Suskin Ostriker (Michigan 2018) this academic year, Smith’s Dickinson, A User’s Guide, part of which has been published on the Dickinson Electronic Archives 2 and in strategically situated articles, will appear in book and e-book form early 2020. Part of Smith’s biography of Susan Dickinson has been published in the DEA2, and the first half of 2020 will be devoted to completing The Muse of Emily Dickinson: Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson. Besides appearing in the documentary My Letter to the World and on Irish Public Radio’s “Talking History,” Smith will be featured in the Oral History of the Emily Dickinson Museum for Massachusetts Public Radio.