Senior Spotlight: Morgan Montgomery
May 01, 2022
Morgan Montgomery is a double major in English and Marketing.
Why did you decide to become an English major?
I decided to become an English major because I always had a passion for reading and writing. I've always had an analytical eye and usually bring in a fresh perspective that was trained through a more creative outlet. I've always been equally logical and analytical, or practical and creative, and this major was the perfect complement to that duality.
What clubs, campus groups, internships, outside of class projects have you been involved with?
Within the English department, I'm in the Honors Program and just finished my capstone creative thesis. The main organizations I've been a part of are Alpha Kappa Psi, where I served as the Chief of Staff and Vice President of Pledging, the University Student Judiciary, where I serve as an Appellate Board member, and Maryland LEAD, where I acted as a Lead Facilitator. Over the course of my undergraduate career, I've been fortunate to work with two law firms (at a time when I believed I'd be pursuing law school right after completing my undergraduate studies). However, I'm most proud of my internship with WarnerMedia last summer - that position turned into the full-time offer I've accepted and will begin in the summer. During my four years at Maryland, I've kept some involvement in several other organizations going to best match where my interests fell. I joined these organizations and worked on all associated projects because I like challenging myself, developing as many skills as possible, and pursuing any paths I find interesting. No two experiences were the same.
What is something you read during class that impacted your worldview?
Narrowing it down to just one is difficult, but I'd probably have to go with Beloved by Toni Morrison. It's a novel that I found my mind wandering back to semesters after I read it and even used it as a reference point for how I interpreted other works. Some elements of that story continue to stand out vividly and that's part of the point - its impact is vast.
What skills (professional, creative or other) do you think you’ve gotten from the major?
I've definitely become a better analytical reader. I've also developed my creativity, logical reasoning, reading and writing speed, and objectivity through the English major.
What's your dream job/career?
A screenwriter, ideally. I'd love to be a part of the entertainment industry more directly, maybe branching off into directing at some point, too.
What are you passionate about (or even curious about)?
I have several passions, but if I had to narrow it down to two elements, I'd focus on pursuing what makes you most content (whether academically, socially, personally, etc.) and advocacy. I'm curious about much, much more.