Senior Spotlight: Michael Marinelli
December 10, 2021
Fall 2021 graduating senior Michael Marinelli has been a Teaching Assistant, RA and member of the student labor group. Michael is interested in becoming a public high school English teacher after graduation.
Why did you decide to become an English major?
I decided to become an English major because I really enjoy reading and writing and because my English teachers and professors had a hugely positive impact on me.
What clubs, campus groups, internships, outside of class projects have you been involved with?
I'm currently working as a Resident Assistant in a freshman dorm, a Teaching Assistant for ENGL398L, and a Writing Center tutor. As an RA, I've taken on both lead and head RA roles. I'm also a member of the student labor group on campus United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Local 54. I'm a leader in that organization as well, coordinating the Student Worker Committee, which is currently fighting for a $15 campus wage for all workers. You may have seen our #PayUpPines petition flyers around campus! The petition garnered 1000 signatures in under 4 days.
What is something you read during class that impacted your worldview?
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Friere. Most education courses only assign the first two chapters and not the entire book because the rest of the book gets extremely radical. I'm grateful to have chosen to read the entirety of the book because it was hugely impactful on my politics, organizing experience, and career interests.
What skills (professional, creative or other) do you think you’ve gotten from the major?
I've become a better reader, writer, public speaker, and critical thinker.
What is your dream job or career?
I plan on becoming a public high school English teacher after graduation and being heavily involved in the teacher's union.
What are you passionate about (or even curious about)?
I love labor and anti-imperialism. On one hand, I find the histories of labor and anti-imperialist organizing to be absolutely fascinating. On the other, I am an organizer, working to actively build labor's strength in the US while fighting against US imperialism. I connect my study with my organizing by learning from the successes and mistakes of the past to inform and strengthen my organizing.