Senior Spotlight: Lily Dondoshansky
May 01, 2022
Lily Dondoshansky is a double major in English and Government & Politics.
Why did you decide to become an English major?
I started out as a Journalism major, but I took an English lower level elective and quickly realized that I missed reading, writing, and talking about books. I liked the environment, the classes, and the people so much more, and I couldn’t stand to be without it.
What clubs, campus groups, internships, outside of class projects have you been involved with?
I have been a tutor at the Writing Center since Fall 2019, and despite all of the pandemic-related obstacles, I love helping students discover what they’re capable of writing! I’m involved with the Paper Shell Review and Jewish life at the University Hillel, and I currently intern for Smithsonian Books. I also just completed my thesis for the English Honors program!
What is something you read during class that impacted your worldview?
I was really moved by the novel Butter Honey Pig Bread by Francesca Ekwuyasi, which I read in my honors seminar last semester. It made me think about how deeply connected people and families are, no matter where we live, what we’re doing, or how long it’s been since we’ve spoken to one another. I also really loved Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, which I read over the first summer of COVID for my Austen class. It’s an incredibly underrated novel in comparison to her cult favorites, but it taught me that strength and empowerment can look incredibly different for different women. The Fanny Prices of the world can be just as influential as the Lizzie Bennets and Emma Woodhouses.
What skills (professional, creative or other) do you think you’ve gotten from the major?
I’ve definitely become a much stronger writer as a direct result of my major. The English major has also aided my critical thinking skills and encouraged me to be creative and innovative in how I approach different problems.
What is your dream job or career?
I don’t have a dream job so much as a dream that can only be achieved in a particular job/industry. I love the process of acquiring books to publish, and someday I’d love to play some part in acquiring the next Harry Potter or Percy Jackson-like children’s series for a major publisher!
What are you passionate about (or even curious about)?
I’m passionate about books in general, of course, but I really love kids and I’d love to work in children’s trade fiction publishing. I’ve been reading so much more since quarantine began, and I’ve rediscovered many of the classic children’s titles I loved as a child/teenager. I feel strongly that all reading is good reading, so whether it’s classics, YA, or nonfiction, read what you love!