Sangeeta Ray Named Vambery Distinguished Professor
June 21, 2022

Vambery Distinguished Professorship for AY2022-23.
Professor Sangeeta Ray has been awarded the Vambery Distinguished Professorship for the AY2022-23. She will be working on a book project entitled South Asian “Refugee” Fiction: The Poetics and Aesthetics of Suffering. We can look forward to learning about her progress on this project at her Vambery lecture in the spring of 2023.
In December 1996 the Clara and Robert Vambery Fund was established to honor the memory of Clara Vambery and the significant achievements of Robert Vambery, the dramaturg for the original production of Bertoldt Brecht's Threepenny Opera, who made substantial contributions to the history of German drama and had an abiding interest in the use of music in the theater. The Clara and Robert Vambery Fund provides for appointment of a Clara and Robert Vambery Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies.
Dr. Ray was selected as the Clara and Robert Vambery Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies on the basis of demonstrated work in comparative studies in literature and her focus on exploring problems of authors who have suffered because of their opposition to repression. Dr. Ray will deliver a Vambery lecture that showcases her work in the spring of 2023.