English Faculty Win TLTC Teaching and Learning Grant Awards
August 17, 2022

The grants are part of a commitment in the UMD Strategic Plan describing the university's vision to move the institution fearlessly forward in pursuit of excellence and impact for the public good.
Scott Trudell, Peter Mallios, Thomas Earles and Katherine O'Neill were awarded TLTC Teaching and Learning Grant Awards.
Scott Trudell, Associate Professor of English and Director of English Undergraduate Studies
Co-PI: Erin Green, Ph.D. student and instructor in English
Co-PI: Nat McGartland, Ph.D. student and instructor in English
Co-PI: Diana Proenza, Ph.D. student and instructor in English
Co-PI: Jeannette Schollaert, Ph.D. candidate and instructor in English
Peter Mallios, Associate Professor of English
Co-PI: Elizabeth Catchmark, Ph.D. student and instructor in English
Thomas Earles, Assistant Director of the Writing Center, Department of English
Co-PI: Elisa Gironzetti, Assistant Professor of Spanish
Co-Investigators: Sara Wilder and Vessela Valiavitcharska
Collaborator: MacKenzie Guthrie, Ph.D. student and instructor in English
Katherine A. O'Neill, Lecturer in the Department of English
Co-PI: Natalia White, Senior Lecturers in the Department of Chemistry
Co-PI: Christopher Cupp, Senior Lecturers in the Department of Chemistry
All members of the UMD community may participate in this initiative. Tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, professional track faculty, and instructional staff are all eligible to apply as principal investigators (PI). Part-time instructors, postdocs, staff, and students (undergraduate and graduate) with teaching-related responsibilities as well as members of the greater community of College Park and beyond are encouraged to participate as team members. UMD members may participate in up to three grants, but may only receive funding from one project.