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Department Food Drive Benefits Local Community

July 10, 2010 English

The English Department's Second Annual Give-a-little, Get-a-little Luncheon collected canned goods and raised money for the College Park Community Food Bank.

Department Food DriveThe Graduate Studies program held its second annual spring luncheon on February 19. Members of the department community were encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item or a cash donation. Nearly 200 items and more than $200 were presented to the College Park Community Food Bank.

"I'm not in the least surprised by [the English Department's] generosity and, on behalf of all of the graduate studies administrators, I thank you very sincerely for making this a successful event," said Director of Graduate Studies, Kandice Chuh. "I am personally very grateful to be part of a place and an event that demonstrates our collective ability to see beyond our immediate needs to try to contribute what we can in a direct way to the community beyond the University of Maryland."

More pictures can be found on the Graduate Studies blog.