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Graduate English Organization (GEO)

Attend events throughout the semester including conferences, luncheons, and lectures with fellow graduate students in the English Department.

AY 2024–2025 GEO Leadership

Title Officer Email
President Rashi Maheshwari
Lisa Osei
Vice President Alexander Hess
Secretary Harley Nguyen
Treasurer Shannon Neal
Professional Development Coordinators Niyanta Sangal
Abhinav Bhardwaj
Social Event Coordinator RB Faure
Cam Orefice
Librarian Tunahan Cakmakci
Funmilola Fadairo
Conference Convenor Declan Langton
Dalton Greene
MFA Rep Arielle Herman
Annie Przypyszny

Graduate Student Resources

Graduate Student Rights

Professionalization Resources

The GEO Professionalization chair hosts several events each semester.

  • Alumni Lecture Series
  • Annual GEO Conference
  • CV and Resume Workshops
  • Graduate School Application Workshops
  • Conference Abstract Workshops
  • Qualifying Exams Panel

You can find recent job placements for MA and PhD alums here.

Other professionalization events occur through ARHU, the libraries, and other centers on campus. Other sources include:

Grants, Fellowships, & Other Financial Support

Grants & Fellowships

These sites often have their grant and fellowship opportunities available:

Contact the Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Robert Burgard ( for additional resources and support.

For resources on grant writing:


Travel & Research Support

The English Department offers travel support for students presenting at professional conferences, conducting archival or other special research, and attending the MLA conference for academic job interviews. For this support, you must apply through the English Department as well as to ARHU. Make sure to start your application in enough time to meet deadlines for both, as they have different deadlines. For more information, see here.

The Center of Literary and Comparative Studies (CLCS) sends frequent emails with current grant and fellowship opportunities. To be added to the listserv, contact Karen L. Nelson (


Other Financial Support

UMD also provides tax resources such as Graduate School's Tax Assistance Program (TAP), especially for international students. 


Teaching & Pedagogy Resources

The Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC) also runs several events each semester, including speakers, a brown bag lunch discussion series, workshops, webinars, and more.  

There are a number of TLTC pedagogy books on the bookshelf in the Graduate Lounge that are free for anyone to use in planning or to scan content for posting on ELMS. There is also a printer in the Graduate Lounge that is free to use.

Housing & Health Insurance

See the new Off-Campus Housing page, with links to apartment finders and roommate finders. 

If you have moved to Maryland, follow the directions on this page to apply for a reclassification of your residency.  You need to complete this process before the first day of the semester in which you wish in-state residency to apply. 

See the Business Office page. See the Open Enrollment benefit packets distributed to your mailbox for more information about the various health plans offered, or review the documents online.

Graduate Students by Cohort

PhD Students

Cohort entering Spring 2024

  • Carlos Alvarenga

Cohort entering Fall 2023

  • Benjamin Desmond
  • RB Faure
  • Dalton Greene
  • Declan Langton
  • Cam Orefice
  • Lisa Osei
  • Niyanta Sangal

Cohort entering Fall 2022

  • Agarwal, Himadri
  • Bridgeman, Timmy
  • Chantrelle, Leela
  • Perla, James
  • Robinson, Morgan
  • Shi, Carina

Cohort entering Fall 2020

  • Duran, Fernando
  • Green, Erin
  • Griffin, Tyra
  • McGartland, Natalie
  • Proenza, Diana
  • Stroup, Rachel

Cohort entering Fall 2019

  • Cherry Jr., Frederick
  • Dennie, Chauncey
  • Dinnenny, Elizabeth
  • Khalil, Halla
  • Lewis, Dylan
  • Reyes, Jonathan
  • Walston, Alexis

Cohort entering Fall 2018

  • Bartlett, Aaron
  • Ellis, Marina
  • Lee, Da Som
  • Rankin, James

Cohort entering Fall 2017

  • Catchmark, Elizabeth
  • Ewing, Annemarie
  • Leon, Roberto
  • Nunn, Alexandria
  • Panigrahi, Kerishma
  • Rio, Melanie
  • Schollaert, Jeannette
  • Starr, Brittany

Cohort entering Fall 2016

  • Aftab, Aqdas 
  • Bramlett, Mary 
  • Daley, Liam 
  • Good, Joe 
  • Moro, Jeffrey 
  • O'Connor, Sammy 
  • Reed, Kristofer 
  • Roberts, Nicole 
  • Thompson, Justin 
  • Young, Dominique 

Cohort entering Fall 2015

  • Allen, Claudia
  • Holmes, Gerard
  • Libhart, Garth
  • Pozoukidis, Konstantinos
  • Stroh, Jennifer C.
  • Vlahovici-Jones, Gabriela
  • Yeh, Andy
  • Yokoyama, Setsuko

Cohort entering Fall 2014

  • Bickoff, Kyle
  • Costello, Maura-Kate
  • Decamillis, Justine
  • Faradji, Sara
  • Gonch,  William                 
  • Griffin,  Danielle
  • Hawkes, Delisa                 
  • Hijazi, Nabila
  • O'Neil, Lindsey
  • Plante, Jacqueline
  • Roegelein, Hillary

Cohort entering Fall 2013

  • Beaulieu, Steve
  • Bruno, Timothy
  • Edwards, Norrell
  • Griswold, Jeffrey
  • Harr, Kayla
  • Kocis, Amanda
  • Leroy, Tamar
  • Osorio, Ruth

Cohort entering Fall 2012

  • Albright, Lauren
  • Bonnie, Sarah   
  • Butler, Virginia
  • Cobb, Collier
  • Compton, Susanna
  • Davis, Brian
  • Farley, Audrey
  • Kaczmarek, Kathryn
  • Morgan, Abbey
  • Mozafari, Cameron

Cohort entering Fall 2011

  • Auvil, Elise
  • Brearey, Oliver
  • Colson, Michael                
  • Durand, Emilee
  • Ellis, Elizabeth
  • Kason, Daniel
  • MacIntosh, John
  • Ross, Jennifer
  • Slaughter, Nicholas
  • Williams, Jonathan

Cohort entering Fall 2010

  • Cooper, Isabella
  • Depriest, Elizabeth
  • Gleich, Lewis
  • Hearn, Janet
  • Lindenman, Heather
  • Neff, Adam
  • Vorona, Rachel
  • Perez, Emily
  • Stanutz, Katherine
  • Visconti, Amanda
  • Wakeman, Robert

Cohort entering Fall 2009

  • Cote, Paul
  • Okereke-Beshel, Uchechi
  • Stewart, Nancy

Cohort entering Fall 2008

  • Kelber, Nathan
  • Morillo, Kara
  • Olsen, Porter
  • Underland, Nathaniel

Cohort entering Fall 2007

  • Fontenot, Kara
  • Higby, Sharon
  • Horton, Seth
  • Kirch, Lisa
  • Lape, Kisa
  • Merritt, Amy
  • Phillips, Natalie
  • Singleton, Kelly
  • Steed, Anna

Cohorts entering Fall 2006 & before

  • Lloyd, Adam
  • Maffuccio, Christine
  • Marks,  Jodean

MA Students

Cohort entering Fall 2023

  • Alexander Hess
  • Charles Mitchell
  • Harley Nguyen
  • Kayna Richards

Cohort entering Fall 2022

  • Bonilla, Ramon
  • Botaish, Rose
  • Mastruserio, Noah
  • Sauer, Andi

Cohort entering Fall 2021

  • Guthrie, MacKenzie
  • Neal, Shannon
  • Syvertsen, Alexandra

Cohort entering Fall 2020

  • Joe, Dominique
  • Licitra, Bianca

Cohort entering Fall 2019

  • Dignan, Michael
  • Gray, Katlin
  • Joy, Emily
  • McGarry, Joshua
  • Pereira, Allen

Cohort entering Fall 2016

  • Ballard, Brittni 
  • Bonney, Sarah 
  • Burgard, Robert 
  • Burghardt, Nora 
  • Cochran, Nicole 
  • Colclough, Christopher 
  • Liling, Dara 
  • Liu, Shuang 
  • Lucci, Robert 
  • Parker, Alexandra 
  • Riehl, Allison 
  • Rovito, Maria 
  • Moix-Rogers, Savannah 
  • Suarez, Christopher 
  • Szybisty, Dominika 
  • Worku, Rahel 
  • Worrell, Vincent 

Cohort entering Fall 2015

  • Estelle, Kara 
  • Feichtl, Brooke   
  • Frankos, Rick   
  • Freeland, Vincent   
  • Harrington, Jessica    
  • Li, Leah    
  • McDonald, Trent   
  • Monin, Mitchel    
  • Park, Kimberly    
  • Petersen, Kate   
  • Reichertz, Margaret   
  • Reing, Brian    
  • Russell, Shaun    
  • Schrodt, Melissa    
  • Smith, Emily   
  • Smith, Jasmine    
  • Stepler, Daniel    
  • Stewart, Lenaya    
  • Talbott, Tyler    
  • Thompson, Will   
  • Wood, Georgia    

Cohort entering Fall 2014

  • Calado, Filipa   
  • Carpenter, Ruth
  • Graves, Alexander
  • Halvorsen, Morgan         
  • Hart, Erin
  • Hopkins, Jessica
  • Hutchison, Allison           
  • Labrecque, Arielle
  • O'Brien, Daune
  • Pleasants, Kara
  • Rizzo, Caitlin      
  • Schulz, John
  • Slack, Gary          
  • Smedley, Matthew
  • Thompson, Justin            
  • Tobin, Jenna      
  • Tooma, Kayla

Cohort entering Fall 2013

  • Dodson, Denis
  • Gogarty, Amanda
  • Lam, Collin
  • Lyons, Sara
  • Marotta, Molly
  • Richman, Ashleigh
  • Whitlock, Larry

Comparative Literature Students

Cohort entering Fall 2023

  • Ian Hill
  • Rashi Maheshwari

Cohort entering Fall 2021

  • Seck, Fatima

Cohort entering Fall 2019

  • Sedhagat Payam, Mehdy

Cohort entering Fall 2018

  • Rosales, Valentina

Cohort entering Fall 2017

  • Rosenberg, Shalom

Cohort entering Fall 2016

  • Allan, Keisha 
  • Azam, Fatima 
  • Vera, Nancy 
  • Wei, Miranda

Cohort entering Fall 2015

  • Domnick, Martina   

Cohort entering Fall 2014

  • Edrei, Chen
  • Soulet, Manon
  • Tillman, Nathan

Cohort entering Fall 2013

  • Knowles, Andrea
  • Rojcewicz, Stephen
  • Sarabi, Niloo

Cohort entering Fall 2012

  • Pratsovyta, Nataliya
  • Rivera, Ines Pastora

Cohort entering Fall 2011

  • Fabricant, Noah

Cohort entering Fall 2009

  • Farach, Ana
  • Metz, Jeremy

Cohort entering Fall 2008

  • Jamshidi, Abbas

MFA Students

Cohort entering Fall 2023

  • Elizabeth Bryant
  • Arielle Heiman
  • Olivia McClure
  • Annie Przypyszny
  • Taína Rodriguez Patmore
  • January Santoso

Cohort entering Fall 2022

  • Baker, Eric
  • Bhela, Preet
  • Brinkley, Corinne
  • Ismail, Eliamani
  • Oghenechovwen, Oghenetega
  • Serra, Ava

Cohort entering Fall 2021

  • Cronan, Anna
  • Daschle, Edward
  • Drummond, Kassiah
  • Singh, Subraj

Cohort entering Fall 2020

  • Bronson Boddie, Sebastian
  • Collins, Meghan
  • Hansen, Katherine
  • Smith, Cecilia

Cohort entering 2016-2017

  • Brown, Pierce 
  • Chism, Carlos 
  • De Bel, Heather 
  • Ellis, Derek 
  • Goodson, Anna 
  • Hill, Kiyanna 
  • Hunter, Martha 
  • Islam, Sabrina
  • Jicha, Ariel 
  • Kennedy, Kelly
  • Komar, Ravenna
  • Kun, Tara 
  • McCormally, Anna 
  • McCracken, Quinn
  • McDonald, Leigh 
  • Myrick, Emily
  • Neal, Laura 
  • Philpot, Christopher 
  • Polek, Nicolette 
  • Pratiwi, Theresia 
  • Reid, Caitlin 
  • Sevick, Jacob 
  • Smith, Jason 
  • Witte, Peter  
  • Zitta, Anthony
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