Shakiba Sharifpour

Graduate Student, Comparative Literature, English
Graduate Assistant, Roshan Institute for Persian Studies
2136 Tawes Hall
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B.S., Mathematics, Shiraz University
B.A., English Language Translation, Islamic Azad University of Shiraz
M.A., Translation Studies, York University
Shakiba is an Iranian scholar and activist who works as an editor, translator, teacher, and researcher. She holds a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.A. in English Language Translation from universities in Iran. She later earned her master’s degree in Translation Studies from York University, where she examined the ideologies and standpoints in two Farsi translations of a chapter from The Second Sex.
Her areas of interest include translation studies, gender and language, translations of feminist theories and philosophies into Farsi, as well as activism and advocacy for marginalized communities. She is also deeply committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within academic and activist spaces.