Mauro Resmini

Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Associate Professor, Italian
Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies
4104 Jiménez Hall
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Ph.D., Italian Studies and Modern Culture and Media, Brown University
Research Expertise
Critical Theory
Film studies
Media Studies
Mauro Resmini is Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies and Italian at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he is also core faculty in Comparative Literature. He currently serves as the Clara and Robert Vambery Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies (2024-25). His research centers on the relationship between cinema and politics, with a focus on postwar Italian cinema and a theoretical framework informed by critical theory, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. He is the author of Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long '68 (University of Minnesota Press, 2022) and Steven Spielberg (Il Castoro, 2014). His essays appeared in American Imago, Camera Obscura, The Italianist, Diacritics, and several edited volumes. He is a Contributing Editor of Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies of Media and Culture (Wayne State University Press). Prof. Resmini is currently working on a monograph on the representation of resentment in cinema.
Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long '68 (University of Minnesota Press, 2023) - Available open access on Manifold
Steven Spielberg (Editrice Il Castoro, 2014) (in Italian)
- "Capitale e risentimento: Il petroliere di Paul Thomas Anderson,” in Historytelling/1. Forme, sguardi e metodi della Storia nel cinema contemporaneo (2000-2023), Maria Francesca Piredda et al., eds. (Milan: Mimesis, 2024) (in Italian).
- “Periodizing Drama: Appunti su The Deuce,” in La grande Storia e il piccolo schermo, Andrea Bellavita, ed. (Milan: Mimesis, 2022) (in Italian).
- “The Worker as Figure: On Elio Petri’s The Working Class Goes to Heaven,” Diacritics Vol. 46, No. 4 (2019).
- “Asymmetries of Desire: Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom,” in The Unwatchable, Maggie Hennefeld et al., eds. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2019).
- “Obscurity, Anthologized: Non-Relation and Enjoyment in Love and Anger (1969),” in 1968 and Global Cinema, Christina Gerhardt and Sara Saljoughi, eds. (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2018).
- “‘What Does It Mean to Be a Communist Today?’ Nanni Moretti’s Palombella rossa and La cosa as Essay Films,” in The Essay Film: Dialogue, Politics, Utopia, Caroline Eades and Elizabeth Papazian, eds. (New York: Wallflower – Columbia University Press, 2016).
- “‘Il Senso dell’intreccio’: History, Totality, and Collective Agency in Romanzo Criminale,’ The Italianist Vol. 36, No. 2 (Fall 2016).
- “Re-Framing the New French Extremity: Cinema, Theory, Mediation,” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 90, Vol. 30, No. 3 (December 2015), 161-187.
- “The Italian Turn. A Certain Tendency in Contemporary Psychoanalytic Aesthetics,” American Imago 70, No. 2 (Summer 2013), 271-297.
- ITAL436/CINE441 Italian Cinema I
- ITAL473/CINE431 Italian Cinema II
- ITAL499J/CINE429J Terrorism and Political Violence in Italy
- CINE245 Film Form and Culture
- FILM302 History of Cinema II: The Sound Era
- FILM319D The Geopolitics of Contemporary Storytelling
- CINE329R The Mafia: From Corleone to Hollywood
- FILM369A Post-war Film Theory
- CMLT679I/FREN699C/GERM689C/SLLC698C Comparative Media Studies
- CINE319C Images of Revolt: Riot, Strike, Uprising