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Writing Internship: Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTA) in English

General Information

Writing Courses Completed

Additional Materials

Status message

Please upload the following materials in Word, PDF, or RTF format:

Status message

Statement of Interest

A description (in about 250-300 words) of why you would like to participate in this internship.  Please include some discussion of your qualifications (related course work, tutoring experience, etc.) and your past experiences working with other people.

One file only.
40 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Status message

Two Samples of Academic Writing

Please also include a brief (a few sentences) description of the course and the assignment for each.

One file only.
40 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.
One file only.
40 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.


Status message

List the names and contact information for two former instructors (preferably at UM) whom we can contact to learn more about you.

Reference One

Reference Two

Status message

After submitting this form it will be reviewed by a member of the Academic Writing and/or Professional Writing Programs. You will not be able to register for this course until given permission from the program.

Status message

If you encounter technical problems with the application, please email all materials, including the text entry field responses, to Lyra Hilliard (
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