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Enrolling in Intermediate Workshops

There are currently two methods to gain permission to enroll in the intermediate fiction and poetry workshops, ENGL352 and ENGL353, respectively.

Option 1: Grade of A or A- in a 200-level workshop

Students who have completed a 200-level workshop (ENGL271, 272, 273, 274) and received a grade of A or A- are now eligible to enroll in a 300-level workshop without submitting a portfolio, space permitting. A grade of A or A- must already be posted to a student's academic record before permission can be granted for enrollment. To gain permission to enroll, please contact the English Undergraduate Studies office at

Option 2: Portfolio Application

Students may apply for permission to enroll in 300-level workshops through a portfolio application. These portfolios are due just before the start of registration for the semester when you intend to take the courses.

Deadlines to apply:

For the Spring semester: October 1
For the Fall semester: March 1

CW Portfolio Application

Portfolio Guidelines:

  • The portfolio should contain work in one genre. If you are applying to both the fiction workshop and poetry workshops, you must submit two separate portfolios.
  • The portfolio should include 10-20 pages of fiction (one story must be at least 8 pages) or 5-10 pages of poetry (at least 4 poems).
  • Complete and submit the application form along with the portfolio materials to the English Undergraduate Studies Office at

If you have any questions, please contact the English Undergraduate Studies Office at