ENGL438P BookLab: How to Do Things with Books
"Public health and campus guidelines permitting, this studio-style course will be taught in the English department's BookLab as a hands-on introduction to the various techniques and practices associated with making printed books.
These will include letterpress printing with traditional lead (movable) type, papermaking, bookbinding, 3-D printing, and more. Students will design, print, bind, and finish at least one complete book object of their own making by the end of the semester. In addition to the history (and futures) of the book we will also discuss zines and other alternative forms of publishing, as well as strategies for circulating and continuing your work. The course will be of particular interest to poets and fiction writers, as well as anyone interested in journaling, fan fiction, zines, and other bookish pursuits. We will visit the nearby Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center in Hyattsville at least one during the semester.
No prior knowledge of the book arts is expected or assumed, but students must be ready to make a commitment to regular attendance as well as completing occasional lab activities outside of regular class time. Response papers and class presentations will also be required. Permission of instructor is required. Please email mgk@umd.edu with a statement about why you want to take this course."
0101 -
Matthew Kirschenbaum
Schedule of Classes
Check times and seat availability