ENGL348G - Literary Works by Women; Jane Austen: Novels, Films, Adaptations
Jane Austen has become a 21st-century media industry. Her novels, published two hundred years ago, have varied and rich afterlives in Hollywood films, websites, and novelistic adaptations.
This course will focus on the range and scope of Jane Austen as writer in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries as well as a modern media figure. The course readings will be clustered around Emma, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park, which we will consider both as novels and films. We will expand our study of these three to include contemporary adaptations, including Clueless, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Lost In Austen, and The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Throughout, we will consider questions pertaining to the politics of the domestic marriage plot and the female bildungsroman, the interrelation of romance and satire, and the effects of narrative form. This class is an online course and will use Canvas (films will be available there). Students will be required to participate actively in the online discussion (posing and answering questions), post six entries about the novels and films, respond to classmates’ posts, submit three short essays (500 words each), and take a final examination.
WB11 - Tita Chico
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