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Showing 1661 - 1670 of 2475 Results

Vin Carretta Teaches and Lectures in Germany

August 14, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Vin Carretta spent most of the summer teaching two courses in the American Studies Department at the University of Tübingen, Germany

Introducing Julius Fleming, Jr.

August 13, 2014 English

Interview with new faculty member Julius Fleming, Jr.

Meg Pearson (PhD 2006) is the new Chair of English and Philosophy at the University of West Georgia

August 13, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Meg Pearson is the new chair of English and Philosophy at the University of West Georgia.

Edlie Wong's Article Published in AMERICAN LITERARY HISTORY (Fall 2014)

August 13, 2014 English

Wong explores immigration law and Chinese invasion fiction.

Howard Norman's Latest News

August 13, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Howard Norman's novel, Next Life Might Be Kinder, was published in June

Our New Faculty 2014

August 12, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

This fall the English department welcomes two new faculty members.

Mary Helen Washington Reviewed in the Huffington Post!

July 29, 2014 English

Mary Helen Washington's The Other Blacklist: The African American Literary and Cultural Left of the 1950s received high praise from Peter Clothier in the Huffington Post.

Michelle Lynn Brown (PhD 2008) Receives Tenure and Promotion

July 23, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Alumna Michelle Lynn Brown (PhD 2008) received tenure and promotion at Shenandoah University in April of 2012. As of May 2012, she is the Chair of the Department of English at Shenandoah University. Dr. Sangeeta Ray directed Brown's dissertation.

Neil Fraistat Gives Welcome Address at Digital Humanities Conference in Switzerland

July 23, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Neil Fraistat, chair of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), delivered the welcome address at the opening ceremony of the Digital Humanities 2014 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland in July.

Michael Olmert's article on 18th Century Garden Mounts Published in Colonial Williamsburg

July 15, 2014 English, Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Colonial Williamsburg recently published Michael Olmert's article on 18th Century Garden Mounts, an important part of the Enlightenment landscape garden.