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Updates from the Professional Writing Program

November 05, 2013 English

PWP has been hard at work, here are some recent accomplishments and news!

Alexandra Calloway’s photograph “Leaf Peeper” has been accepted for a juried art show titled Figuratively Speaking at Bowie City Hall. Alexandra’s work will be on display (and available for purchase) from October 15 to early January.

Kelly Cresap presented a workshop on “Archetypes in the Classroom” at the Center for Literary and Comparative Studies on Oct. 2: “This interactive workshop introduces participants to a dynamic, comprehensive system of four archetypes, or power sources: artist, warrior, magician, and sovereign.”

Stewart Foehl married CBS Radio Executive Steve Swenson on Sept. 21 in Nantucket, Mass. Augusten Burroughs read in the ceremony and Jillette Johnson sang. Stewart reports, “Overlooking Madequecham beach on a perfect fall day, it couldn't have been more magical!”

Mark Forrester’s haibun “The Quiet Shadows” (a short prose piece incorporating haiku) appeared in Frogpond, the journal of the Haiku Society of America.

Pamela Gerhardt appeared at the Tuckerman Street Block Party in University Park on Sat., Oct. 26 to sign copies of her new book, Lucky That Way.

Connie Inukai is pleased to report the arrival of her third grandchild. Her son, Danny, and his wife, Charissa, are the parents of Andrew Henry Inukai, born Sept. 17.

Joan Mooney edited a manual published by the Nature Conservancy for teachers of environmental studies in urban high schools: