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Updates from Norrell Edwards

February 06, 2018 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

In January Norrell participated in the MLA Connected Academic's Career Development Boot Camp which provided resources and training around career development in fields alternative to academia.

In January Norrell participated in the MLA Connected Academic's Career Development Boot Camp which provided resources and training around career development in fields alternative to academia. Norrell will be presenting a section of her dissertation titled, "Les lieux de Duvalie: Memories of the Duvalier Dictatorship in New York at the 2018 MELUS conference, “TransCulture,” in Las Vegas, NV, May 3-6, 2018. Norrell will also be presenting a variation of this chapter at the College Language Assocation's 2018 Convention in April. Another reworking of a dissertation chapter will be published in the collection Paris and the Marginalized Author: Treachery, Alienation, Queerness and Exile with Lexington Books.