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Tita Chico, New Publications and Talks

August 29, 2019 Center for Literary and Comparative Studies | English

Tita Chico recently published essays in Year’s Work in Cultural and Critical Theory, The Los Angeles Review of Books, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, and Litro Magazine

Chico was also interviewed about her new book, The Experimental Imagination, for the New Books Network podcast.In the summer, she gave talks from her new book on wonder in literature and science in Berlin, Edinburgh, and Poznań, Poland. This fall, she’s an invited speaker at the Folger Institute, will deliver the plenary lecture at EC-ASECS and the Croll Lecture at Gettysburg College, and begins a three-year term as Member-at-Large elected to the Executive Board of ASECS. During Trinity Term 2020, she will take up residence as a Research Fellow at New College, University of Oxford.