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Stephen Rojcewicz Publications

April 04, 2017 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Stephen Rojcewicz has published “James Joyce’s Dedalus: Transformations of Ovid, Vergil and Plato” in Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature 32: 67-79, 2017.

Stephen Rojcewicz has published “James Joyce’s Dedalus: Transformations of Ovid, Vergil and Plato” in Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature 32: 67-79, 2017. has also published two translations from the Latin: “Sculptures by Daedalus,” from Vergil: Aeneid 6.14-33, in Delos 32: 60-61, 2017; and “Daedalus and Icarus,” from Ovid: Metamorphoses 8.183-235, in Delos 32: 62-66, 2017.