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Setsuko Yokoyama Publications and Conference Papers

June 21, 2017 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

At MLA 2017 "Digital Frost" panel (January, 2017), Setsuko Yokoyama co-organized and presented on the ongoing, cross-institutional efforts to develop a digital platform for Robert Frost.

Setsuko’s other conference presentations and forthcoming publications include the following:

  • “Critical Unmaking: DRM, Proprietary Networks, and Versioning Variances in 3-D Printing Technologies” (April, 2017): a panel presentation with Kyle Bickoff, Jeffrey Moro, and Andy Yeh, delivered at 2017 Rutgers-Camden Archive of Digital ephemera Symposium (R-CADE).
  • “Surfaces, Standards, Layers, Stacks: Towards a Platform Textuality” (June, 2017): a roundtable presentation with Kyle Bickoff and Jeffrey Moro at the 2017 International Interdisciplinary Conference of Society for Textual Scholarship.
  • “Digital Frost Project: An Overview & the Invitation” (forthcoming): a paper to be published in The Robert Frost Review 27.
  • “Digital Technologies for Exploring Prosody: A Brief Historical Overview” (forthcoming): an article to be published in Stanford’s Arcade "Colloquies".