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Richardson Shares Research Findings

July 26, 2013 English

Brian Richardson spent much of the spring and early summer lecturing. He gave a plenary talk at the European Narratology Network Conference in Paris and gave invited talks at universities in Germany, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, and the UK.

Brian RichardsonIn March, Richardson offered a plenary address at the European Narratology Network Conference in Paris, "The Boundaries of Narrative and the Limits of Narratology.

In April, he had a fellowship at the Institute of Aesthetics and Communication at Aarhus University in Denmark. While there, he gave two lectures: "Fiction, Nonfiction, and Postmodern Boundary Violations” and “Dangerous Misreadings in Lolita”; he also led discussion groups on problems in current narrative theory and on fictionality. At the University of Tampere in Finland, he gave a talk on “The Limitations of Standard Narrative Theory.”

In May, he gave a Masterclass at the University of Giessen (Germany) on “Unnatural Narrative Beginnings, Middles, and Endings” and a lecture on “The Use and Abuse of Reading in Twentieth Century Fiction” at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

Richardson gave the inaugural lecture of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Narrative Studies at York University (UK) on “Unnatural Narratives: Poetics and Paradoxes” in June. Later that month he gave a talk on unnatural stories and plots and chaired a roundtable on his forthcoming anthology on the poetics of unnatural narratives at the International Narrative conference in Manchester, UK.

More information about Richardson's anthology, A Poetics of Unnatural Narrative, is available here.