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Recent Publications from Joshua Weiner

August 28, 2018 English

Joshua Weiner was in Germany this summer, where he read his TRUMPOEMS in Berlin, and at a symposium on poetry & populism at Göttingen University, as well as in Poland, where he also recorded an interview with the poet, Tadeusz Dabrowski, for Radio Gdańsk.

2018.08.28: Joshua WeinerHis translations from the German of Goethe, Ernst Jandl, and Silesius appear this fall in Great River Review

His exhange with poet Andrew Joron appeared this summer on the Chicago Review website, located here.

A new poem of his, that started as a group exercise in the graduate poetry workshop last spring, was recently published in The Cortland Review, located here.

TRUMPOEMS is a free download located on the Dispatches from the Poetry Wars website, located here.