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Placement News

May 17, 2013 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

The English Department is delighted to announce the following placements of recent PhDs in 2013.

Andrew Black, Assistant Professor, Murray State University (Tita Chico, advisor);

Chris Brown, ACLS New Faculty Fellow, Princeton University (Mary Helen Washington, advisor);

Jasmine Lellock, Lead Curriculum Developer and English Language Arts Teacher, Newark Charter High School (Kent Cartwright, advisor);

Shaundra Meyers, Postdoctoral fellowship, Rutgers University (Mary Helen Washington, advisor);

Jason Peyton, Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University (Ralph Bauer, advisor);

Margaret Sinclair, Assistant Professor, Qatar University (Jane Donawerth, advisor);

Additionally, another placement from last year that we are happy to announce is Suzanne Tartamella, Assistant Professor, Henderson State University, Akadelphia, Arkansas (Marshall Grossman, advisor).

Please join us in congratulating all of the graduates and their advisors on these placements. We would also like to thank Professor Kellie Robertson, who directs placement efforts, and the members of the graduate placement committee, for their hard work throughout the year.