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Nov. 13-15: Baggett Lectures: Neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene

October 31, 2013 English

Nov. 13: "Reading: How Literacy Changes our Brain"; Nov. 14: "Arithmetic: The Brain Mechanisms of Numeracy"; Nov. 15: "Language, Music, and Mathematics: In Search of Brain Mechanisms for Syntax"

The 2013 Baggett Lectures - Stanislas Dehaene
Wed. Nov. 13th - Fri. Nov. 15th
Maryland Room (ground floor), Marie Mount Hall
Distinguished neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene, Professor at the Collège de France, chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology, and Director of the INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, will give a series of three lectures at the University of Maryland Department of Linguistics, generously supported by Dave Baggett.
  • Wed. 11/13, 3pm-6pm - Reading: How literacy changes our brain
  • Thurs. 11/14, 3pm-6pm - Arithmetic: The brain mechanisms of numeracy
  • Fri. 11/15, 10am-1pm - Language, music and mathematics: In search of brain mechanisms for syntax

More information is here:

For related programs, visit the Maryland Language Science Center,