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News and Accomplishments from the Professional Writing Program

September 11, 2013 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

The Professional Writing Program has been hard at work and its faculty has many recent accomplishments.

Kelly Cresap’s essay “The World-Making Capacity of John Fowles’s Daniel Martin” came out over the summer in the journal Texas Studies in Literature and Language (55:2, pp. 159-183). The article is available in print and online through the database Project Muse. Kelly did a 14-minute podcast about the essay, posted at A transcript version of the podcast can be found at

Robin Earnest, Esq. was appointed, by the Appellate Division of the Maryland Public Defender’s Office, to serve as litigation counsel in certain indigent appeals to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. In addition, she recently learned that her Legal Research and Writing course (ENGL 392) served as a model for a new undergraduate Legal Writing course which will be taught at her parents' undergraduate alma mater—North Carolina Central University—this fall. The course will be offered through NCCU’s Writing Department of Language and Literature.

Stewart Foehl’s second young adult novel, The Secret Ingredient, was published (under the pseudonym Stewart Lewis) by Delacorte Books. His previous novel with Delacorte, You Have Seven Messages, recently came out in paperback and has been translated into four languages.

Pam Gerhardt's memoir about her father's stroke, Lucky That Way, comes out October 1 from the University of Missouri Press. Those interested can "look inside" at Amazon and pre-order from there or at their favorite bookseller. Pam received a fun surprise in early summer. Because of the subject matter, she assumed the book would be mostly of interest to Boomers and Gen-Xers, but a 22-year-old intern at the Press read it and felt compelled to send a note: "The story that you share is so powerful . . . I want you to know that I will be recommending this book to every person I know, every person I meet, and any person who will listen because there is no one who would not be better off for having read your story. "

Danuta Hinc was on two panels at the 2013 AWP Conference in Boston, "Writing in the Diasporas Across Languages and Cultures," and "Russian, Jewish, Polish, and American Poets in Translation: Cultural Contexts." She presented two talks, "Angels in the Forest, my past in the present," and "Every Language Has Its Own Silence." Her essay, "Michael Kimball, Big Ray, and the Resurrection of Daniel," was published in the May issue of Word Riot, Inc. It is avaliable here:

Rebecca J. Holden is co-editor (with Nisi Shawl) of Strange Matings: Science Fiction, Feminism, African American Voices, and Octavia E. Butler. The anthology was published in July by Aqueduct Press.

Rebecca J. Ritzel, recently served as a guest critic in residence at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York. While there, she wrote about music, theater and dance for the Chautauquan Daily and the Charlotte Observer. Rebecca also contributes regularly to the Washington Post

Adam Lloyd will be presenting a paper entitled “Developing Discourse Culture Literacy: A Critique of Current Business Writing Pedagogy” at the Association for Business Communication’s 78th Annual International Convention in New Orleans this October.

Joan Mooney's freelance writing this summer included a piece for Urban Land’s website about the challenge of housing the coming wave of aging baby boomers:

Tanya Paperny’s translation of a Russian short story, “Russian Roller-Coaster,” appeared in VICE magazine: Tanya will also be reading selections of her translations at the upcoming American Literary Translators Association Annual Conference, held in October of 2013 in Bloomington IN.