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Jessica Enoch's Student Honored as Merrill Scholar

April 17, 2012 English

Sarah Singer wins a prestigious award and acknowledges Jessica Enoch as a mentor!

Sarah Singer, one of Jessica Enoch’s students and a rising senior in the College of Arts and Humanities, has been chosen as a 2012-2013 Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar. Sarah named Professor Enoch as the faculty mentor who has most contributed to her academic achievement. This highly selective program, made possible by the generosity of the Philip Merrill family, recognizes academic excellence in college seniors who, in turn, acknowledge K-12 teachers and/or university faculty as mentors. For more information about the Merrill Scholars program, see our website at:

Professor Enoch (along with Sarah, the other Merrill Scholars, and their respective instructors) will be honored on Friday, November 2, 2012, with a day of activities, a celebratory luncheon, and a special workshop for K-12 teacher-mentors, sponsored by our Center for Teaching Excellence.