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Help the Department Get GO Bronze Certified!

February 04, 2014 English

English default inset image

When the Green Office Program was implemented in fall 2013, the response was great, but not enough to reach 75% of the department, needed to qualify for bronze certification. We need your help and participation!

For those of you who have not checked off the list on the following website to implement 75% or 23 of the actions, please do so, it will be greatly appreciated by all in the department. Also, please don't forget to sign the pledge on the wall in the MEO kitchen Rm. 2117.

The English Department is the 2nd academic department on campus to get on-board the Green Office Program, and we are very close to becoming "bronze certified." Please help us achieve this goal by going on the following website to pledge as many actions as you can. The department's Green Office tumblers will be distributed to those of you who have helped with the process, hopefully by the end of Spring 2014.