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Carlos Gamerro, “A Literary Threesome: Cervantes, Shakespeare and Fletcher in Cardenio”

February 21, 2018 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Carlos Gamerro will give a public lecture on Thursday, March 1 at 5:00 PM in St. Mary's Hall Multipurpose Room. [...]

Carlos Gamerro is an Argentinean novelist, critic, and translator. His publications include the novels Las Islas (1998), El sueño del señor juez (2000), El secreto y las voces (2002), La aventura de los bustos de Eva (2004), Un yuppie en la columna del Che Guevara (2011), Cardenio (2016), the book of short stories El libro de los afectos raros (2005) and the books of essays El nacimiento de la literatura argentina (2006), Ulises. Claves de lectura (2008), Ficciones barrocas (2010); Facundo o Martín Fierro (2015) and Borges y los clásicos (2016). Three of his novels have been translated into English: An Open Secret (Pushkin Press, 2011); The Islands (And Other Stories, 2012) and The Adventure of the Busts of Eva Perón (And Other stories, 2015). In collaboration with Rubén Mira he wrote the screenplay for the film Tres de Corazones (2007), directed by Sergio Renán. In 2011, his play Las Islas opened at the Teatro Alvear in Buenos Aires, directed by Alejandro Tantanián. His translations into Spanish include Graham Greene’s A World of One’s Own, W.H. Auden’s The Dyer’s Hand, Harold Bloom’s Poetry and Repression and William Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice. He studied and has taught literature at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2007, he was a Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University; in 2008, he participated in the International Writers Workshop (Iowa) and in 2012 in the Edinburgh’s World Writers’ Conference.