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Brian Richardson's Recent Publications

November 15, 2018 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Brian Richardson’s article, “Dangerous Reading in Mansfield’s Stories and Woolf’s ‘The Fisherman and His Wife,’” was published in Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf, eds. Christine Froula et al.;

Brian Richardson’s article, “Dangerous Reading in Mansfield’s Stories and Woolf’s ‘The Fisherman and His Wife,’” was published in Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf, eds. Christine Froula et al.; his note, “A Source for the Unusual Character of Pedro in Victory” appears in Conradiana 47.3. His articles, “Denarration” and “The Permeable Narrator” have been translated into Hungarian and published in the journal Helikon. Another article, “Theatrical Space and the Domain of Endgame” is being republished in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Samuel Beckett’s Endgame. He spoke on “The (Re-)Reader of Ulysses at the ALSCW Conference at Vanderbilt University in November.