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Brian Richardson is a Scholar in Residence at the University of Bologna Among Other Accomplishments

February 12, 2014 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

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Brian Richardson is a Scholar in Residence at the University of Bologna during spring semester, among other recent accomplishments. Read on to learn more!

Brian Richardson is a Scholar in Residence at the University of Bologna during spring semester. He will be giving a series of lectures on “The Fate of Reading in the Twentieth Century.” His commentary, “Keeping You Unnatural: Against the Homogenization of Second-Person Writing,” appeared in Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 23.1 (2013-2014) 49-55.

His statement, “The Antinomies of Narrative Theory and the Difficulty of Any Consolidated Theory,” was published in Enthemema 9 (2013) 119-20., and a brief interview with him appears in Diegesis: Interdisziplinäres E-Journal für Erzählforschung. 2.2 (2013) 98-99.

A video of his plenary address at the 2013 European Narratology Network conference, “The Boundaries of Narrative and the Limits of Narratology,” has been posted at