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Brian Richardson: Publications and Other News

May 21, 2018 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Brian Richardson published several pieces: “Experimental Fiction and Narrative Theory,” in Frontiers of Narrative Studies, “The Status of Historical Characters in Drama: Ontological, Aesthetic, Verisimilar” in Letras de Hoje (Brazil);

Talks and teaching: He gave several invited lectures on modernism and narrative theory for the ALSCW at Catholic University, at Tel Aviv University, and a series of three lectures at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. He was a Visiting Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in March where he gave two more talks and taught a class on Joyce’s Ulysses. At the University of Paris 7 (Diderot), he led a seminar for students and faculty on unnatural narrative theory in April. He also read a paper on the poetics of contradictory plots at the Narrative Conference in Montreal in April.