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Amanda Visconti Invited Speaker at "Digital Ulysses"

September 17, 2013 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

Amanda Visconti was an invited speaker at "Digital Ulysses." She also attended a talk at One Week | One Tool, and published an essay on "grangerizing." 

Amanda Visconti was an invited speaker at Ulysses editor Hans Walter Gabler's "Digital Ulysses" master class at the University of Victoria in June 2013. Her talk, on her dissertational participatory digital edition work, was titled "Infinite Ulysses: What if we build a digital edition and everyone shows up?". Amanda attended the NEH-sponsored One Week | One Tool digital humanities advanced institute at the end of July, helping to create Serendip-o-matic (, a tool that aids in discovery of digital materials located in libraries, museums, and archives around the world that are serendipitously related to our own research sources. Amanda also published an essay on "Grangerizing" in the Archbook: Architectures of the Book online textual scholarship encyclopedia in July (