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The Academic Writing Program Launches Fall 2013 Edition of Interpolations: A Journal of Academic Writing

December 13, 2013 English | Center for Literary and Comparative Studies

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Read more about the Fall 2013 Edition of Interpolations!

Interpolations was founded by graduate student Adam Lloyd in 2009, and since then the publication has become a valued feature of the English 101 community and has also garnered readership far beyond our campus borders, including researchers cited by UMD student writers, faculty on other campuses and in other countries, and textbook publishers. Now housed within the Academic Writing Program, Interpolations continues to offer students and instructors of English 101 a showcase of exemplary writings, a source for modeling and discussion, and an opportunity for student writers to reach a wider audience. 

After the Fall 2013 edition, Interpolations plans to launch new editions of the journal each spring with work selected from the previous calendar year's English 101 classes. Pieces selected for Interpolations typically represent the five major assignments used in English 101, including the rhetorical analysis, and, for the first time, the summary assignment.  Interpolations especially showcases the research sequence that students in English 101 engage in. For example, pieces in the Fall 2013 edition of the journal pose initial academic inquiries, consider opposing views, and offer arguments in final position papers.  In the future, the journal will utilize its online format to include digital assignments such as podcasts, websites, and videos created by students of English 101 that also meet the goals of each of the major assignments.

The latest issue showcases the work of eleven talented writers, whose pieces were judged by eight editors and selected from over 150 submissions.  The 2013 editorial board included Catherine Bayly, Joseph Bueter, Nabila Hijazi, Lyra Hilliard, Heather Lindenman, Justin Lohr, and Linda Macri, and the issue’s production was overseen by managing editor Scott Eklund and Editor-in-Chief Lindsay Dunne Jacoby.

Below is a list of pieces that appear in Interpolations Fall 2013. 

Summary Essays

Deanna Rubin: 
"Trust, Civic Engagement, and the Internet"

Rhetorical Analysis Essays

Simrin Gupta "Lehrer and Gladstone: A Comparison of Rhetoric" 

Experience and Other Evidence Essays

Lina Lulli
: "Are You at the Mercy of the Music You Listen to?"

Tarika Sankar: "'No Big Deal': The Prevalence and Acceptability of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs on College Campuses"

Considering Another Side Essays

Bryan Pinsky: "The Impact of Monolingualism upon the Unification and Fortification of Communities"

Leo Traub: 
"Citizen Journalism is Not Yet Credible Enough to Carry Out Its Goals" 

Final Research Essays 

Austin Baldridge
: "Succor for the Distraught, Support for the Deserted, Solutions for the Deprived Users of Abandoned OSS"

Nicole Hsiung: "A Force for Evil" Shachar Gannot
"Academic 'Doping'" 

Anastasia Kouloganes: "A Call for Government Regulation within Medical Field Marketing"

Todd Waters: "Democracy Denied: The Correlation Between Language, Majority Bias, and Gender Exclusion in Political Debate" Todd Waters

Interpolations invites students who have taken English 101 in Spring or Fall 2013 to submit their best writing from the course, including digital projects, as the journal anticipates that their first 2014 issue will also include forms of digital writing, such as podcasts and websites. 

To view Interpolations and for more information visit: