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Business and HR Forms

Department of English Business & HR Forms

Business Office Housekeeping Guide
Various processes for reimbursements/honorariums/travel
Address Change - W4 Employees who are trying to change their address for payroll or benefits purposes should be doing so through the State of Maryland’s Payroll Online Service Center (POSC) site.


Form Description
UMD Holiday Schedule
2021 Schedule
Payroll Schedule
View important dates and forms required for various payroll transactions.
I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form
Payroll Form
Direct Deposit form Central Payroll Form
Employee Information/Data Collection Form Central Payroll Form
FY22 Monthly Payroll Calendar July 2021-June 2022
MD W-4 MD Employee Withholding. W-4 instructions.
DC D-4
DC Employee Withholding
2021 D-4 DC Withholding Allowance Worksheet
Student Appointment Form Any students beginning a new hourly position must fill out the Hourly Appointment Form.
University Account You can setup your new University of Maryland e-mail account through the Accounts Activation Page.
Time Entry (Hourly)
Log in. Under “Select Pay Period,” the pull-down menu should already have “Current Pay Period” selected for you. Click "Complete Your Time/Leave Record.  To report hours worked, students must enter "time in" and time out" for each day worked.
Click the "Save Leave Entered & Final Faculty Signoff"  button near the bottom of the screen.
Time Entry (Faculty/Staff) Log in. Under “Select Pay Period,” the pull-down menu should already have “Current Pay Period” selected for you. Click "Complete Your Time/Leave Record.  All duty days should be checked.  If you are reporting sick/annual leave/personal used, uncheck the duty day and enter the number of hours used.   Make sure you are using the row dedicated to sick/annual/personal lv found to the left of the timesheet. Click the "Save Leave Entered & Final Faculty Signoff"  button near the bottom of the screen.
MW507 Employee's Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate. Instructions.


Form Description
State of Maryland's Employee Benefits
Complete information on Health Benefits can be found on the State of Maryland's Employee site. Health benefits are optional. Any regular employees that are 50% or more FTE (with the exception of TAs who can be 25%) are entitled to health benefits.  You must complete the appropriate affidavits(s) if you are requesting coverage for your dependents, domestic partners and/or their dependents, or a spouse.
UMD Human Resources Department
For additional information and policies.

Retirement Forms

Form Description
Retirement Benefits
Incoming faculty and staff that are 50% FTE or greater must choose a retirement plan. Enrollment within the first week of your appointment is required. Faculty, staff, and lecturers must select between the two options:  State Retirement Programs  OR Optional Retirement Plan.
State Retirement Programs
Optional Retirement Plans
Faculty and staff can select from TIAA and Fidelity vendors when choosing the ORP.
Supplemental Retirement Agency All employees are eligible to participate in any of the Supplemental Retirement Plans (SRA) available through the University of Maryland. We offer a 403(b), 401(k), and a 457(b) plan.

Tuition Remission

Form Description
Tuition Remission Eligible UMD employees who are taking courses or who have dependents taking courses at any USM institution will now use the new online USM Tuition Remission portal.


You must complete 2 forms in order to be reimbursed for travel by the English Department: one before you leave, and one when you return.
English Graduate Student Travel Memo
In order to receive department travel funds, students must be delivering a presentation/poster at a regional, national, or international conference, including no more than one graduate student conference.
Travel Reimbursement Request Form Travelers do not need receipts to be reimbursed for meals and incidental expenses at the following rate: $13 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, $28 for dinner.
Travel Approval Request Please return this completed form to the English Business office along with proof of invitation or acceptance to the conference or event you are attending. (For research travel, no invitation or acceptance is required.)
Tenure Track Faculty Travel Memo 2021
Full-time tenure-line faculty have a budget of up to $2,500 for travel to academic conferences and symposia that take place between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.
PTK Faculty Travel Memo 2021
Available funds are calculated based on faculty appointment at the time of travel, up to the amount of $1,000 per year, prorated to FTE.

Event, Local Hosting, and Non-travel Reimbursements

Form Description
Local Hosting Guidelines See COVID restrictions/updates.
Approved Restaurants and Caterers A list of tried-and-true restaurants and caterers for meals and events. Please note that there are a few restaurants listed as NOT approved for purchases put on the department card. If you would like to order from these unapproved restaurants, you can do so by submitting a reimbursement request, along with itemized receipts and proof of payment and a list of attendees, after the fact.
W-9 form If you are submitting an invoice from an unapproved vendor (i.e. a vendor to whom the University has not previously made a payment), please fill out a W-9 to turn in along with the invoice.
Purchase Request Form
Use this form if you have a budget to purchase catering, a restaurant meal, or books/supplies directly with the department card.
Honorarium Template Tailor this form so that it fits the specifics of your event and its budget.
Foundation Reimbursement Request Form Use this form if the item is not compensated by the State.
Pepsi Products All beverages (water, soda, juice, etc.) paid for by the University must be Pepsi products. Acceptable brands include Tropicana, Aquafina, Seattle's Best, Gatorade, Propel, etc. Follow the link to see a list of Pepsi products. The department will NOT be able to reimburse you for non-Pepsi brand beverages.
Reimbursement Request Form Please list the expenses to be reimbursed, sign the form, and return it along with an itemized receipt and, for a local hosting event, a list of attendees.


Form Description
Parking Request form Fill out the Parking Request form and return it to the English Business Office. We will need an actual signature on the forms, but they can still be scanned and emailed back to us or dropped off at the Business Office. Please contact Shannon Bobbitt ( with questions.
Payroll Deduction & Cancellation Authorization form Please complete this form if you are enrolled in payroll deduction and would like to cancel your campus parking permit.
DOTS parking registration portal for students Graduate student parking is processed online through the DOTS parking registration portal for students.
Daily parking permits (faculty/staff) Please complete this request if you are interested in purchasing daily permits (available in increments of 5).  Note: completing this form does not cancel your active semester or annual permit, you must do that separately.
Tier costs
Most university faculty and staff register for a daily parking permit. These permits are valid in your primary assigned lot as well as overflow parking.